Why do advanced aliens fear us?



A revealing insight into the unintended consequences of past alien contact that have forever altered our human evolutionary trajectory.



The ‘blurb’ for my approaching fiction novel:



Advanced aliens watch over us

There is a dangerous evolutionary threshold we must first survive before they make contact … a “trial of evolution”.


World-famous lateral thinker, Julius “Caesar” Romeo, has a secret passion … to explore the alien question.  His mission to outback Australia to prove the existence of UFOs ends badly, but a chance encounter is about to unlock … everything.


‘Your mission, Caesar … to save the world.’


Evan Armstrong is afflicted by dreams that warn of an apocalyptic future. A traumatic incident ends the dreams, to reveal fractured memories of something from his youth he was never meant to remember … an unintended alien encounter in Roswell, 1947, that has always been kept secret from the government. Why then, is the CIA so concerned about the truth being finally revealed?


‘We made a terrible mistake, Julius …

We should never have trusted the aliens.’


Melanie Stuart is the glue that binds Caesar’s empire. Her religious beliefs cause considerable conflict with her boss, but as Evan’s story unfolds, something unexpected manifests … a bridge from science to religion … a union that promises eternal hope for all humanity. 


‘Should I make you a sign declaring “the end is nigh”, Julius?   Or do you think the aliens are going to “beam you up” and save you from the destruction because you’re so damned clever and figured everything out?’


The evolutionary trial of


. . . is soon upon us


Michael Muxworthy Sci-fi Novel

Coming very soon …


An epic story of accidental contact with aliens that give warning of an Apocalyptic future …

… and the undertow of “deep state” actors who seek to control the alien narrative for their own ends.


Genre: Speculative Metaphysical Sci-Fi Thriller

Wordcount: 80,000


Beta-reader feedback:

Why do advanced aliens fear us? A burning question that holds the tension right through this gripping drama. The answer is completely unexpected … WOW! Of course they fear us – Melanie Wright – BETA READER

The next JULES VERNE. Insightful extrapolations of our known science ” – Andrew Feiner – Ph.D. PHYSICS

A bridge between science and religion. An incredible tale. Michael Muxworthy is an author to watch” – David Daniel – AUTHOR

Intimate detail and understanding of powerful lateral thinking creative processes. Disruptive creativity inspired by an alien perspective, brought to life through imaginative fiction” – Steve Smith – FRIEND & BETA READER

This is fiction … you will believe. The coverup of an alien crash at Roswell so believable and brilliantly researched, I question if it actually happened” – Anthony Bray – BETA READER

An incredible new take on the KENNEDY assassination. Michael links the unintended consequences of alien contact to the twisted origins of a “deep state” with chilling realism” – Susan Dunn – BRAND MANAGER


‘I represent a top-secret committee with Presidential authority to investigate the Roswell incident.’

Majestic 12 Presidential Directives:

– Investigate alien encounters;

– Recover alien spacecraft and technology;

– Establish alien contact protocols;

– Get to the truth of the Roswell incident.

– President Harry S. Truman – August 1952


‘I’ve heard that their methods can be … ruthless!