Lateral thinking is a simple and fun lifestyle choice that reengages our imaginations to allow innovation and creativity to thrive

Lateral thinking is more than a bag of cheap ‘tricks’ or ‘hacks’ to be pulled out as required. The various disruptive strategies come together cohesively like an orchestra brought into harmony under the guidance of a masterful conductor. YOU can be that conductor. It’s simply a matter of choice … a lifestyle choice.


Lateral thinking definition:

‘Lateral thinking is a deliberate process of disrupting existing patterns so that new and original ways of combining things can be revealed.’

– Michael Muxworthy


Lateral thinking really is that simple. To better understand the definition, let’s delve into the nature of creativity …

Creativity definition:

‘Creativity is the combining of existing things in new and original ways.’

– Michael Muxworthy

That latest hit on the radio that you love so much is merely a combination of existing notes, instruments/sounds, technologies, words, and artists that have combined successfully in a new and original way. The artist who creates a masterpiece, the award-winning architect, the brilliant novelist … it doesn’t matter what type of creativity you consider, they all have one thing in common. They are combining things successfully in new and original ways.

For most of us, these types of creativity can only be admired as there are intangible qualities (or gifts) involved that are out of our reach. There is one type of creativity, however, that is within reach of everyone …


Creative thinking definition:

‘Creative thinking is the ability to imagine existing things in new and original combinations.’

– Michael Muxworthy

Unlike all other forms of creativity, creative thinking is something that is within reach of everyone. We’re born with it. We imagine what could be possible, and then we search for ways to make it happen. It’s the reason our evolution has outpaced all (known) others.

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Okay, so how does lateral thinking become a ‘lifestyle choice’?

  1. Understand;
  2. Practice;
  3. Teach as you learn; and
  4. Surround yourself with like-minded creativity.

You can read all about it in my new book …

Lateral Thinking Disruptive Creativity

Live your dreams

– Michael Muxworthy

To be released on Amazon in May 2024.

Subscribe below for notification of the release.

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Rather than competing, lateral thinking encourages us to differentiate

More than just problem-solving, lateral thinking is about the creation of opportunity

To better understand how lateral thinking works, check out: Lateral Thinking Examples

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De Bono considered humor (such as a joke) to be like lateral thinking in that it involves an “insight switchover” from a familiar pattern to a new, unexpected one … a pattern-switching process.

The answer to the joke triggers laughter because it reveals a proposition that makes sense in an unexpected way.


“Humor is the most significant behavior of the human mind”

Dr. Edward de Bono


Humor and lateral thinking are (often) considered to be sideways thinking … a tangent not immediately in your focus.


Lateral thinking tool to escape dominant thinking

Imagine dominant thinking (on any subject or situation) reaching an impasse (unable to find a universally acceptable/plausible answer). There seems to be no path forward (no common ground). However, the unexpected answer to the joke (or the lateral thinking-derived solution) reveals that an alternative had always been possible, if only we had seen the earlier turnoff.


(To better understand the close relationship between lateral thinking and humor, check out: LATERAL THINKING PUZZLES


Lateral thinking origin:

The phrase “lateral thinking” was first introduced by Edward de Bono way back in 1967. De Bono cites the “Judgement of Solomon” as the earliest known application of the lateral thinking principle. In that judgment, King Solomon resolved the parentage of a child by proposing to cut the child in half … but in fact, awarding the child to the mother that relinquished her claim in order to save the child’s life.

Dr. Edward de Bono – lateral thinking definition:

“Lateral thinking involves the solving of problems by an indirect or creative approach, typically by viewing the problem in a new and unusual light”

Lateral thinking is primarily concerned with the creation of original thinking. Yes, much of that original thinking is for the purpose of solving problems. However, the understated significance of these simple, yet extremely powerful, disciplines is revealed when we consider their possibilities beyond the mere solving of problems and look at the potential creation of … opportunity.


Muxy – lateral thinking definitions:

“Lateral thinking involves the purposeful breaking of the restraints that inhibit creative and original thinking”

There are many definitions of lateral thinking out there; many opinions of what lateral thinking actually is. They typically seem to focus on only a small part of lateral thinking’s potential . . . problem-solving.

It is much more …

“Lateral thinking is the deliberate employment of disruptive strategies for the purpose of unleashing your creative thinking potential”

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Any views expressed on this page are my “opinions”.

It is also my “opinion”, that lateral thinking has lost its way.

So, how can we turn things around?

Lateral Thinking Disruptive Creativity

Live your dreams

– Michael Muxworthy

To be released on Amazon in May 2024.

Subscribe below for notification of the release.

And my strategy for broadening lateral thinking’s appeal to a wider audience? Lateral thinking … fiction.

What is lateral thinking fiction?

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Some additional thoughts:

What about critical thinking and vertical thinking?

Critical thinking is the ability to make a judgment or draw a conclusion, based on observations and facts on hand. For example, you might judge something to be true or false. You might determine a course of action to be dangerous. It involves a degree of “subjectivity”.

Vertical thinking is about determining the correct answer using a logical process of investigation. Why did something break? How did they get here? It involves an objective approach to analyzing the information at hand.

Remember the differences in this uncomplicated way:

Critical Thinking = Observable facts with subjective assessment

Vertical Thinking = Objective conclusions derived logically

Creative Thinking = The ability to imagine existing things in new and original combinations.

Lateral Thinking = A deliberate process of disrupting existing patterns so that new and original ways of combining things can be revealed.

Thanks for listening.

Take a moment to scroll down to the bottom of this page and subscribe to my email updates.

. . . and stay in touch,

Michael Muxworthy

About Michael Muxworthy

See more about this first fiction book project

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Check this out:

14 FREE Lateral Thinking Lessons


Lateral thinking lessons content:

Lateral thinking lesson ONE – Blinkered Thinking

A simple puzzle that demonstrates how our experiences and learning over a lifetime can “blinker” our thinking.

Lateral thinking lesson TWO – Random Starting Points

Randomly chosen starting points are an easy and effective tool to break the shackles of your “blinkered” thinking.

Lateral thinking lesson THREE – How creativity works

Creative thinking involves the DELIBERATE combining of ideas and things not previously considered.

Lateral thinking lesson Four – Alternative perspectives

Successful outcomes can often be improved by considering the perspectives of others.

Lateral thinking lesson Five – Provocation

Sometimes, you just need to “stir the pot” to see what floats to the top. From conflict … comes opportunity.

Lateral thinking lesson Six – Challenge existing concepts

This is a lateral thinking skill we had as children, but somehow it gets buried as we get older.

Lateral thinking lesson Seven – Escape dominant thinking

Should you challenge something that works well?

Lateral thinking lesson Eight – Backwards planning

A brilliant planning strategy that reveals successful pathways.

Lateral thinking lesson Nine – Goal setting

Goal setting for the exceptional.

Lateral thinking lesson Ten – Creative Speaking

Be able to speak confidently, and expertly, on any subject, at any time, with this simple creative technique.

Lateral thinking lesson Eleven – Creative Combinations

This extremely practical creative lateral thinking technique will make you super productive and effective.

Lateral thinking lesson Twelve – Problem-solving

A simple and creative four-step procedure.

Lateral thinking lesson Thirteen – Time management

Important Vs Urgent

Lateral thinking lesson Fourteen – Memory pegs

Mnemonic memory technique that engages the imagination.

Simplicity is power!


Real-life examples of lateral thinking disruptive strategies