Live your dreams!




‘Life is all about pattern recognition and development. It’s how we survive and evolve.’

– Michael Muxworthy Lateral thinking author




The ‘thing’ that has seen our evolution outpace all (known) others – that inspires our innovation and adaptability – is our capacity for creative thinking. We imagine how something might be possible, and then we search for a way to make it happen.






















Today, we’re such a clever race, and we’ve developed so many successful patterns, that we rarely need to individually innovate for something like our own personal survival for example. We live comfortably and safely within existing patterns that provide and protect with a wealth of solutions (or choices) for virtually every need, want, or situation. As our reliance upon innovation diminishes, so too does our propensity for creative thinking.

‘I sometimes imagine that our society (as distinct from our technology) has stopped evolving completely.’


Lateral thinking is a simple and fun lifestyle choice that reengages our imaginations to allow innovation and creativity to thrive.


Proudly brought to you by MICHAEL MUXWORTHY


‘Turning the groupthink tide’

Here’s a good place to start your journey …

What exactly is lateral thinking?

Lateral thinking … fiction!

‘Having explored most of Edward de Bono’s offerings, I can only conclude that the man was a genius.

‘Honestly, the depth of thinking and resources he has gifted the world is astounding.

‘The problem is . . .

not enough people are being engaged

 – Michael Muxworthy



A new way to engage . . .

A strategy to turn the groupthink tide . . .


Lateral Thinking . . . Fiction



My first lateral thinking ‘fiction’ novel is coming soon . . .

We should NEVER have trusted the aliens

Breakthrough science and philosophy to ignite your passions.

Disruptive creativity to haunt your dreams.